Blue Star Stories

Welcome to our blog where you'll find the stories from the lives of our Blue Star Families.

Blue Star Families members, including military children and adults fishing together during an outdoors experience.

Outdoor Explorers for All: Changing the Game for Military Family Outdoor Adventures

July 8, 2024

by Jillian Johnson In the latest episode of Blue Star Stories, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kailey Brown, the Program Manager for Outdoor Explorers for All at Blue…

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Empowering Military Spouses Through Mentorship: The New Partnership Between ACP and Blue Star Families

July 8, 2024

As a military spouse, I’ve navigated the ups and downs of building a career while managing constant relocations and family commitments. In 2021, I discovered Blue Star Families (BSF), which opened a new world of career support and community. Later that year, I met another military spouse who introduced me to American Corporate Partners (ACP). This connection changed everything for me.

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Military spouses gather around a table during a Blue Star Families Coffee Connect event featuring Leslie Coffey from American Corporate Partners

It Takes a Village: Ford Motor Company Does Its Part

July 3, 2024

In a powerful display of support for military families, Veterans, and survivors, Ford Motor Company recently teamed up with Blue Star Families’ Do Your Part initiative to host the first-ever…

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Embrace Independence Day: Welcoming New Neighbors and Exploring with Blue Star Families

July 1, 2024

Summer is in full swing and the Fourth of July is here! Independence Day is a day of profound significance for military families, intertwining the celebration of national freedom with personal experiences of service and sacrifice.

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Make That New House a Home with The Home Depot!

June 25, 2024

Was your family one of the 600,000 other military families that picked up all of their household belongings this year to move to a new duty station? You’re in the…

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outdoors, experiences, military family

Making Memories Outdoors: A Military Family’s Experience at ABQ BioPark

June 18, 2024

At Blue Star Families, we strive to create unforgettable experiences for all of our members, but there’s something truly special about hosting military families in our Blue Star Connect Outdoors…

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The Home Depot’s Transfer Policy: Ensuring Stability for Military Families

June 14, 2024

Dream with us for a minute, friend. Imagine a company that offers a transfer policy, guaranteeing you’ll keep your job when new orders arrive in your spouse’s inbox. Mind-blowing, right?…

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A green moving truck is parked outside with its hind doors open and a ramp leading into the back of the truck. The word “Mayflower” is written in red on a yellow background, with a green sailing ship to the right side of the back of the truck.

Connecting Military Families to Their Communities After a PCS

June 10, 2024

As PCS season kicks off, the streets in military communities become a parade of moving trucks, signaling the arrival of new families to their new duty stations. It’s a time when military families bid farewell to familiar surroundings and start settling into new communities.

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Let The Home Depot Do the Heavy Lifting & Calculate Your Moving Supplies!

May 29, 2024

  Is your family packing up and moving to a new location like 600,000 other military families this year? Tackling a Personally Procured Move (PPM)? There’s a lot to think…

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