10 Must-Have Items for Military Families During Sick Season

Published: November 8, 2023

As the temperature drops and leaves fall, cold and flu season approaches. For military families, this season can be particularly challenging, especially when solo parenting due to training and deployments.

With 70% of active-duty families living off military installations and one-third (33%) lacking nearby civilian support, staying vigilant and scheduling annual vaccinations are crucial for everyone’s well-being. And being well-prepared is a must since we don’t always have someone to rely on when we or our kids get sick.

So, how can you prepare for this season?

Here are 10 must-have items for parents:


A trusty thermometer is a must-have tool for parents. With this device, parents can gauge their little one’s health needs, make proactive decisions, and provide the utmost care. Your child’s well-being is in good hands!



Combat the discomfort of cold and flu symptoms with the nurturing embrace of a humidifier. By infusing the air with moisture, it can gently soothe coughs, relieve congestion, and ease other respiratory issues, ensuring a tranquil environment for healing.


Saline Drops

These drops provide the ultimate relief so that your family can breathe easily. Say goodbye to congestion and hello to peaceful sleep.


Pain Relievers

For relief and a comforting touch, turn to trusted pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen.



Don’t forget to keep a good supply of tissues nearby to protect yourself and others from pesky germs.


Hand Sanitizer

Stay protected and keep others safe with hand sanitizer. Embrace cleanliness, reduce germs, and create a healthy environment.


Disinfectant Wipes

Use them to gently wipe down surfaces and toys, reducing the spread of germs, and creating a healthier space for everyone.


Vapor Rub

Experience the magic of vapor rub — a soothing natural remedy that clears congestion and gently eases coughs, providing nurturing relief.


Cough Drops

Need relief from a sore throat, cough, and congestion? Grab some of these today at your nearest Target!


Vitamin C Supplements

Give you and your child’s immune system a powerful boost during the cold and flu season with Vitamin C supplements.


As a military family, staying on top of vaccinations is crucial because when you or your kids get sick, it can be incredibly challenging to manage, especially if you’re solo parenting or don’t have nearby neighbors or friends to lean on. The good news is that it’s never too late to ensure you and your children have the vaccinations necessary to stay healthy.

Did you know you can now get your shots at Target CVS Pharmacies? They accept TRICARE, allowing you to get vaccinated while also getting your shopping done.

And don’t forget about the Target Military Discount. From October 29th to November 11th, you can save 10% on your purchases. Take advantage of this exclusive discount to save on all the essential items for the upcoming sick season.

Keep your family healthy and happy during the sick season by staying prepared and taking preventative measures. Check out the immunization schedule by age from the CDC here.

Thinking of you from afar. Stay safe and stay healthy!

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