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Unlocking Opportunities: A LinkedIn Workshop for Career Growth!

Apr 16, 2024

10:00 am PDT - 11:00 am PDT

Network, Network, Network. Use LinkedIn and leverage your connections for job referrals and resources. Did you know that 85% of jobs are obtained via networking? Military Spouses can qualify for a year of LinkedIn premium. 

In this interactive workshop: 

  1. Optimizing Your Profile: Learn the elements of a compelling LinkedIn profile that effectively grabs attention and communicates your professional story.
  2. Strategic Networking: Understand the principles of effective networking on LinkedIn, building meaningful connections, and expanding your professional "Human" connections.
  3. Content Creation: Discover how to create and share content that establishes your expertise, engages your audience, and enhances your credibility in your industry.
  4. Job Search Strategies: Gain insights into utilizing LinkedIn as a powerful tool for job search, exploring new career opportunities, and positioning yourself as a standout candidate. 

This workshop is about  leveraging LinkedIn to showcase your unique professional brand and military spouse story. Let's connect with opportunities that align with your career goals.

**One Year LinkedIn Premium is not a BSF Perk and we do not control the approval process. More details will be shared in this workshop and how to request your membership. 

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