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Sit, Sip, & Socialize at Starbucks: “Refreshing Conversations”

Jul 18, 2024

9:30 am CDT - 10:30 am CDT

This July, we invite you to join us for our "Sit, Sip, & Socialize at Starbucks" event, themed "Refreshing Conversations." In the heart of summer, it's the perfect time to cool off and engage in uplifting and invigorating discussions with our community members.

Why 'Refreshing Conversations'? 
This theme is all about breaking away from the ordinary and diving into stimulating, thought-provoking, and revitalizing discussions. It's a chance to share fresh perspectives, new ideas, and inspiring stories in the cool comfort of our favorite Starbucks location.

What to Expect:

  • Cool Atmosphere: A relaxed and comfortable setting, perfect for engaging in meaningful conversations.
  • Icebreaker Activities: Fun and easy activities designed to spark conversation and connect with new and familiar faces.
  • Networking Opportunities: A great chance to meet and network with other community members in a casual setting.

Who Should Attend:
Anyone looking for a break from the summer heat and interested in enjoying good company, great coffee, and stimulating conversation. Whether you're a regular attendee or new to our community, we welcome you to join us!

Closing Note:
"Refreshing Conversations" is more than just a theme; it's an opportunity to cool down, open up, and share enriching experiences and ideas. Let's make the most of these long summer days with good conversation and even better company. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Saint Robert Starbucks

322 HWY Z
Saint Robert, MO, 65584

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