Jimmy Anderson

Associate Partner at IBM Consulting and Captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve
Jimmy Anderson is an Associate Partner at IBM Consulting and Captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. He is an Afghanistan war veteran and prior-enlisted officer that has served on both active duty and the reserve. He last served on active duty as Deputy Division Chief at U.S. Air Forces Central Command’s Intelligence Directorate. He has spent over a decade in uniform and continues to serve as a Captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve at the Pentagon.
Jimmy recently served over two years as a Presidential Appointee in the Biden-Harris Administration. As the White House’s Director of Veterans and Military Engagement, he advised the President and White House senior staff on outreach to the veterans and military community. Jimmy was a key voice translating the President’s policies and messages to veterans and military-connected constituency groups. He was charged with elevating the President’s bipartisan unity agenda and led the White House’s constituency engagement plan to garner public support for the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022 (PACT Act). Prior to the White House, he served as Special Advisor and Deputy White House Liaison to the U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs where he created the VA’s inclusion, diversity, equity and access (IDEA) vision, brand, and drove its VA-wide strategy and implementation.
He is also a Term Member with the Council on Foreign Relations and has held fellowships with the Center for a New American Security and Truman National Security Project. Additionally, Jimmy was a Fulbright scholar in Canada and Visiting Fellow at the Centre for International and Defence Policy. He holds master’s degrees from Queen’s University in Canada, American University in Washington D.C., and a bachelor’s degree cum laude from the University of South Carolina.