Honoring Our Heroes: Remembering the Reason for Memorial Day

Published: May 24, 2024


By Sheila Rupp

As we go into this holiday weekend, let us pause and remember the true meaning of this sacred holiday. Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to our country.

Originally known as Decoration Day, the commemoration was set aside as a day to decorate the graves of those lost to the Civil War. Memorial Day became a national holiday in 1971 by an act of Congress. Today, many consider Memorial Day weekend to be the official kickoff to summer.

For military families and Veterans, this day holds a profound significance. We remember the service members who stood shoulder to shoulder with us, faced those same challenges and dangers, but did not return home. We offer our support to those Gold Star Families who lost a loved one. This weekend, and always, let us commit to preserving the memory of our fallen heroes.

Throughout the country, there will be various ways to honor and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we hold dear. Our Chapters are participating in memorial runs and walks. Some of our members will visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, Blue Star Families staff and CEO Kathy Roth-Douquet will attend a memorial observance at Arlington National Cemetery, and others will attend the National Memorial Day Concert.

Memorial Day is not just a day off but a day of remembrance and gratitude for those who gave all. As a military and Veteran service organization, we stand in our commitment to keeping their memories alive and continue our work so that their legacy inspires future generations.

As we all pause today, we invite you to write a message of remembrance and gratitude on our Honor Wall to keep the memories of those lost alive and their legacy shining brightly.

Remember. Never forget.

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