Campaign for Inclusion

Blue Star Families’ Campaign for Inclusion reflects values of welcome and belonging at the heart of our work. Using our theory of change (listen, share, partner, & act), we empower stakeholders to implement best practices that help all military families feel welcomed and included on their journey.

blue star families campaign for inclusion

Campaign for Inclusion

Blue Star Families’ Campaign for Inclusion reflects values of welcome and belonging at the heart of our work. Using our theory of change (listen, share, partner, & act), we empower stakeholders to implement best practices that help all military families feel welcomed and included on their journey.


2024 Campaign for Inclusion Results

This year, Blue Star Families conducted a groundbreaking survey at three major military communities—Hill Air Force Base, San Antonio, and Hampton Roads. This survey built on our pivotal 2022 research, which exposed deep challenges faced by military families, especially families of color, in feeling welcomed and included in their communities.

With over 500 participants across 3 communities, the follow-up survey has unlocked practical, powerful solutions to these issues. Blue Star Families is leading the charge with initiatives like Welcome Week and the Do Your Part initiative, creating real, tangible change.

Below are the key findings and next steps to make every military family feel at home.

Explore the published results from our Campaign for Inclusion Research Series below.

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listen and learn

Did you miss part of the 2024 Campaign for Inclusion results release event? Are you looking to catch up on the conversations? Press play on the videos below.

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Campaign for Inclusion Survey Results Release 2024

Blue Star Families' Campaign for Inclusion unveils the results of their annual CFI Survey, highlighting key insights on fostering belonging and inclusion within the military community. Discover how they use the crucial findings and learn how they aim to build stronger connections and support systems for military families nationwide.

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Campaign for Inclusion Cohort 3 Graduation

Blue Star Families' Campaign for Inclusion unveils the results of their annual CFI Survey, highlighting key insights on fostering belonging and inclusion within the military community. Discover how they use the crucial findings and learn how they aim to build stronger connections and support systems for military families nationwide.

Featured Videos

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Keynote Address by Hon. Ron K. Keohane: Fostering Inclusivity in Military Families

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Examining the Data: Exploring Community Impact and Diversity in Military Families

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Strength in Diversity: Military Families and Community Integration

What does the data say?

In 2022, our research revealed the core challenges military families, especially families of color, face when trying to feel included in their communities.

The study focused on three key military communities: Hill Air Force Base (Utah), San Antonio, Texas, and Hampton Roads, Virginia. Military families of color are disproportionately affected by issues like racism and lack of community support, directly impacting military readiness and retention.

  • 1 in 3 active-duty families of color made the decision to turn down a military assignment (PCS or job) due to concerns about racism or lack of inclusion in the local community.


"We enjoyed our time living there because of both military and civilian friends. This was also a time when my husband’s job was very stressful and he worked long hours, but we had much to keep us busy and friends to be with who were supportive and inclusive."

-Hispanic/Latino/a/x Military Spouse


If you are a member of the media or a nonprofit organization that supports military- and Veteran-connected communities and you are interested in partnering with Blue Star Families to promote this research, contact [email protected].


Funding for the Campaign for Inclusion Research Series is provided through the generosity of our sponsors, The USAA Foundation, Booz Allen, JP Morgan Chase, Pritzker Military Foundation, AARP, BAE Systems, and Synchrony Foundation, with the additional support of Blue Star Families from craig newmark philanthropies and CSX.

Funding for this essential research is provided through the generosity of our sponsors. If you are interested in funding further research, use the button below.

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From the Department of Applied Research at Blue Star Families, with the support of the team at the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University (IVMF). While IVMF collaborated on this research effort, the report itself was written by Blue Star Families.

Blue Star Families 

  • Jessica D. Strong, Ph.D. Senior Director of Applied Research
  • Karly Howell, M.A. Associate Director of Research
  • Brooke Blaalid, MSW Associate Director of Policy
  • Kristen A. Higgason, MLIS Research Manager