LGBTQ+ Military Youth Program

Spaces for Belonging is a monthly meetup style program where military youth & teens (ages 13-19) who identify as LGBTQ+ will come together to build community, foster friendships, learn, play, bond and find support with other military youth in the community. Allies welcome!
Each month the Spaces for Belonging group will meet to socialize and discuss issues and topics relevant to what it means to be a #MilKids and LGBTQ+. We will explore ways to stay connected to our friends and our resources, even after a military family PCS. We will hear from local programs and groups about resources, events and other opportunities to be involved in the local youth LGBTQ+ community. Parents of participants will have the chance to meet other military families with LGBTQ+ kids and share resources and best practices.
Follow us on social media for updates and upcoming events.
For more information please contact CT Moss or Anicia Myers.