Blue Star Families and Starbucks Join Forces to Combat Military Family Food Insecurity

Published: March 7, 2023

Good nutrition is essential to military readiness. Blue Star Families and Starbucks are joining forces to help military families have access to the necessary resources to help them thrive. Through this partnership, Blue Star Families and Starbucks will continue to raise awareness of food insecurity among military families while supporting those in need and informing those who can help. Together, we are working to ensure our military families know where and how to access affordable, healthy foods. No military family should go hungry.

How does food insecurity affect military families?

Food insecurity is a pressing issue for many families in the United States, with the number of those affected growing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and job losses. It can have lasting impacts on a family, such as increased stress and depression. And unfortunately, our nation’s service members and their families are not immune. Military families often struggle to make ends meet due to low pay, frequent relocations, and lack of access to resources. With fresh and nutritious foods more out of reach, many rely on processed and unhealthy options, which can lead to chronic health problems. 

Despite the valiant service of our armed forces, many households have difficulty affording enough nutritional food for their children. That is why Blue Star Families and Starbucks are working together – to raise awareness about military food insecurity and provide support for those facing food insecurity.

So, what does food insecurity look like in the military? Needing more nutritious food to meet basic needs, limited access to food due to living in isolated rural areas, and an inability to access resources due to financial restrictions. Military families can also experience food insecurity due to the deployment or relocation of a family member. As the cost of living increases, so do the risks of experiencing food insecurity.

Bringing You Events to Raise Awareness 

We are hosting more than 50 Starbucks events to raise awareness about military food insecurity, and we want you to be involved. We have tangible resources, conversation starters, and fun activities for children. 

This is not the first time Starbucks has raised its hand to help. The organization has shown support to our community in more ways than one: hiring more than 40,000 military Veterans, spouses, and dependents; dedicating more than 100 Military Family Starbucks Stores; and offering free products in stores across the nation on Veterans Day. 

Additionally, Blue Star Families has long been dedicated to addressing the issue of military food insecurity. We have created a variety of initiatives, including the Nourish the Service Program, which aims to assist military families struggling with food insecurity. Our website also provides a wealth of resources on nutrition in the military, including meal plans, shopping tips, and information on government assistance programs.

All that to say, this partnership is a powerful one. 

Want to help combat military family food insecurity alongside us? 

Here’s how:

  1. Connect with your local Blue Star Chapter in the Blue Star Neighborhood to ask how you can support military families in your neighborhood. 
  2. Get involved with organizations like Feeding America or volunteer at your local military installation.
  3. Donate directly to Blue Star Families and help provide much-needed meals for military families facing food insecurity.

By raising awareness about military food insecurity and supporting those struggling with hunger, we can ensure that our brave service members and their families have access to nutritious meals. With the help of organizations like Starbucks, we can make a real difference in the lives of many.

Want to learn more? Visit


By: Marla Bautista

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