Connecting Military Families to Their Communities After a PCS

Published: June 10, 2024

A green moving truck is parked outside with its hind doors open and a ramp leading into the back of the truck. The word “Mayflower” is written in red on a yellow background, with a green sailing ship to the right side of the back of the truck.

By Jillian Johnson

The full version of this story is available in a Blue Star Neighborhood podcast episode, HERE.

As PCS season kicks off, the streets in military communities become a parade of moving trucks, signaling the arrival of new families to their new duty stations. It’s a time when military families bid farewell to familiar surroundings and start settling into new communities.

Finding a sense of belonging is paramount amidst the chaos of relocation. Whether you’re greeted by the gates of a military installation or set up camp in a civilian neighborhood, the quest for connection remains constant.

For some, like those who have been stationed in the heart of their communities for a long time, integration may seem seamless. But for others, especially those in geographically separated installations or areas where they feel like a fish out of water, the path to belonging can be a bit more challenging.

Hear more on feeling a sense of belonging

It can be easy to feel discouraged, but it’s important to remember that every PCS journey is rife with opportunities to forge new connections. From chance encounters at local coffee shops to striking up conversations in clinic waiting rooms, friendships can be formed even when (and where!) you least expect them.

Let’s not forget the power of technology! Platforms like the Blue Star Neighborhood provide a virtual haven where military families and civilians alike come together to share resources, swap stories, and offer support. Social media can also be an asset to information about the surrounding area and finding your people at a new installation.

When it comes to welcoming military families into the fold, it’s the small gestures that often leave the most lasting impressions. A neighbor sharing a stash of takeout menus or a spontaneous invitation to a neighborhood barbecue can make all the difference in easing the transition to a new place.

Discover events in your community

So, as we navigate the twists and turns of PCS season, let’s remember that belonging transcends zip codes and duty stations. Whether you’re a seasoned military spouse, a Veteran, or a civilian neighbor, there’s a place for you in the tapestry of military community life.

Join us in embracing the journey of PCSing — where every move brings with it the promise of new beginnings, new friendships, and new adventures. After all, in the ever-changing landscape of military life, finding community is the true destination.

Stay connected, stay engaged, and most importantly, stay awesome. See you in The Neighborhood! Click HERE to hear the complete podcast episode in “The Neighborhood.

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