An Unforgettable Evening of Sunset, Sand, and Ghost Crabs!

Published: August 28, 2024

May 29th and 30th, 2024 – Surf City, NC
Outdoor Leader: Ashton Huge

There’s something magical about being by the ocean at sunset, and our recent Blue Star Connect Outdoors event at Ecological Marine Adventures (EMA) was no exception! On May 29th and 30th, military families gathered at Surf City, North Carolina, for an evening of fun, learning, and adventure that will be remembered for years to come.

The evening began with an exciting visit to the EMA Touch Tank Aquarium, where everyone — from the tiniest tots to the most curious adults — got a chance to get up close and personal with marine life. From turtles to sharks, the hands-on experience was both educational and thrilling. The kids were especially fascinated, their eyes wide with wonder as they touched creatures they’d only seen in books or on screens.

As the sun descended behind the horizon, we took a short walk to the beach, where the real adventure awaited — ghost crab hunting! Armed with our ghost crab hunting kits and led by the EMA staff, we set out across the sand, flashlights in hand, ready to uncover the mysteries of the night.

The highlight of the evening? Watching the kids and families line up to release the crabs they had carefully captured. The excitement in the air was palpable as the group counted each crab before letting them scuttle back into the ocean. By the end of the night, we had caught and released more than 50 crabs each evening — a new BSCO record!

There’s something truly special about sharing moments like these with your loved ones under the glow of the setting sun and the starry night sky. The laughter, the learning, and the sheer joy of being outside together made these evenings unforgettable. Here’s to many more adventures like this one — until next time, happy crab hunting!

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