Blue Star Stories

Welcome to our blog where you'll find the stories from the lives of our Blue Star Families.

National Chapter DEPLOY Fellow Aims to Celebrate People and Create Connections

November 17, 2021

National Chapter DEPLOY Fellow Aims to Celebrate People and Create Connections Meet Quiana. She’s a Veteran Navy spouse, mom of three, and Blue Star Families’ National Chapter DEPLOY Fellow, a…

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Opening Up Opportunity: Technology Careers for #MilSpouses

November 12, 2021

Opening Up Opportunity: Technology Careers for #MilSpouses Meet Leslie. She’s a Navy spouse, mom of four, and, thanks to a partnership with Salesforce, she joined Blue Star Families’ team as…

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Tackling Food Insecurity: A Mission that Hits Home

November 12, 2021

Tackling Food Insecurity: A Mission that Hits Home Meet Kelley. She’s an Air Force spouse, mom of two, and just joined the Blue Star Families team as the Food Insecurity…

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Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Jamie

November 10, 2021

Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Jamie Delivered by CSX Pride in Service When the draft ended in 1973, women represented 8% of officers and just 2% of enlisted service members.…

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Honor National Veterans Small Business Week with Blue Star Families

November 3, 2021

Honor National Veterans Small Business Week with Blue Star Families Written By: JPMorgan Chase & Co. DEPLOY Fellow Brittney Aladetohun According to the 2020 Annual Business Survey, nearly 6% of…

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Hitting the Ground Running with Blue Star Welcome Week

November 2, 2021

Hitting the Ground Running with Blue Star Welcome Week Why did we start Blue Star Welcome Week? Because each year, approximately 600,000 military-connected individuals move, causing instability and often devastating…

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Making it Count: Blue Star Welcome Week Helps Fight the Isolation Felt Move After Move

November 2, 2021

Making it Count: Blue Star Welcome Week Helps Fight the Isolation Felt Move After Move While Blue Star Welcome Week 2021 is in the rearview mirror, there’s still important work…

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Family Volunteer Day: Meet Mitch

November 1, 2021

Family Volunteer Day: Meet Mitch Did you know that only one in four active-duty family respondents to Blue Star Families’ 2020 Military Family Lifestyle Survey feel a sense of belonging…

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Emilys Story Header

Paying it Forward: Connecting with Military Families One Starbucks Coffee at a Time

October 25, 2021

Paying it Forward: Connecting with Military Families One Starbucks Coffee at a Time Did you participate in Blue Star Welcome Week? If you did, thank you! If you’re a military…

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