Blue Star Stories

Welcome to our blog where you'll find the stories from the lives of our Blue Star Families.

BSF Blog Lisa Header

Marine Corps Vet, Spouse, and Mom Shares Her #MilLife Experience and the Need for Welcoming Communities

September 23, 2021

Marine Corps Vet, Spouse, and Mom Shares Her #MilLife Experience and the Need for Welcoming Communities When you think about the sacrifices military members make, your first thought might be…

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BSF Blog Heather Header

How Do You Move 10 Family Members Every 1-2 Years? Not Easily and at a Great Cost.

September 22, 2021

How Do You Move 10 Family Members Every 1-2 Years? Not Easily and at a Great Cost. Moving is a reality all military families must accept. In fact, 600,000 military-connected…

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Misty Blog Header

#MilSpouse Builds Connections Through Volunteer Opportunities

September 21, 2021

#MilSpouse Builds Connections Through Volunteer Opportunities When you think about the sacrifices military members make, your first thought might be of those on the frontlines―service members deployed overseas to defend…

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Brandys Story Header

#MilKid Aims to Create an Inclusive Community

September 14, 2021

Former #MilKid Aims to Open Doors and Create an Inclusive Community Meet Brandy. She’s a former military kid and just started as the Communications DEPLOY Fellow for Blue Star Families.…

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Changemakers Meet Kelly Blog Header

Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Kelly

September 10, 2021

Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Kelly Delivered by CSX Pride in Service   Did you know that most active-duty military families don’t feel a sense of belonging to their local…

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Dawn Blog Header

Lives Forever Changed: Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

September 10, 2021

Lives Forever Changed: Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 In the military, we talk a lot about change — change of station, change of command, change of mission, change…

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Suzanne Blog Header

Lost Innocence: Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

September 9, 2021

Lost Innocence: Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Twenty years. It seems impossible that it’s been that long, but for the last 20 years, military families have been serving…

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Blue Star Welcome Week Aims to Help #MilKids Find Connections After Each Move

September 5, 2021

Blue Star Welcome Week Aims to Help #MilKids Find Connections After Each Move When you think about the sacrifices military members make, your first thought might be of those on…

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When Facing Back-to-Back Long-Term Separations, #MilFams Rely on Community Connections to Survive

September 4, 2021

When Facing Back-to-Back Long-Term Separations, #MilFams Rely on Community Connections to Survive When you think about the sacrifices military members make, your first thought might be of those on the…

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