Blue Star Stories

Welcome to our blog where you'll find the stories from the lives of our Blue Star Families.

Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Cassie

June 9, 2021

Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Cassie Delivered by CSX Pride in Service Meet Cassie, a member of Blue Star Families’ Dayton Chapter and Advisory Board President. She’s an Air Force…

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Blue Star Summer Camp Hits Home for Military Families 

June 1, 2021

Moving is one of the most stressful events for the average person. But our military families move a lot, and often, without much notice — most moving every two to…

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Managing MilLife Stress with Spiritune

May 26, 2021

The reality is, being a military family can be hard. It’s often unpredictable and that uncertainty can end up causing a lot of stress and anxiety, especially for those families…

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Military Spouse Turns Career Challenges into Opportunities

May 25, 2021

Military Spouse Turns Career Challenges into Opportunities Did you know that 20% of military spouses are unemployed and, according to the 2020 Military Family Lifestyle Survey, 67% of employed military…

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Adjusting to Life as a Military Connected Caregiver: Finding a Community of Support

May 24, 2021

Adjusting to Life as a Military Connected Caregiver: Finding a Community of Support  There are 5.5 million military and veteran caregivers in the U.S. today. Two of every five veteran…

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Starbucks Raises Its Hand Year-Round to Support & Connect MilFams Through Their Sacrifices

May 24, 2021

Starbucks Raises Its Hand Year-Round to Support & Connect MilFams Through Their Sacrifices Separation is an inevitable part of military life. Between deployments, temporary duty assignments, and moves, military families…

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Facing New Battles: Becoming a Military Connected Caregiver

May 19, 2021

Facing New Battles: Becoming a Military Connected Caregiver Did you know that roughly 200,000 service members transition out of the military annually?(1) A military career is unique in that an…

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Meet Jenny: #BSFBeatCOVID19

May 18, 2021

Meet Jenny: #BSFBeatCOVID19 This past year has been filled with many tough, emotional questions that were left unanswered for months on end.  How long will this shutdown last?  Will my…

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Meet Jacob & His Family: #BSFBeatCOVID19

May 17, 2021

Meet Jacob & His Family: #BSFBeatCOVID19 Meet Jacob. He’s a 16-year-old military kid. Like so many, Jacob and his family have had a hard year adjusting to the changes brought…

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