Blue Star Stories

Libraries — A Key Resource for Military Families on the Move

Libraries are particularly well-suited to welcome our military families. While many continue to host family favorite events like children’s story times, they have also evolved over the years to provide enhanced resources and opportunities such as outdoor exploring packs available for check-out or membership access for local attractions. 

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Shattering the Stigma: Mental Health Conversations We Owe Our Veterans

By: Kali Hoffman It’s an unfortunate reality that the bravest among us, our veterans and active service members, often wage a silent war against mental health issues. This fight, unlike…

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Addressing the Mental Health Crisis among LGBTQIA+ Youth with Military-Connected Parents

The spectrum of struggles encountered by LGBTQIA+ youth in military families remains largely unexplored, residing in the peripheries of common public consciousness. Nevertheless, these challenges are authentic, multilayered, and demand…

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Unseen Soldiers: Recognizing the Critical Role of Military Caregivers in the Fight Against Veteran Suicide

America is home to an invisible army, about 5.5 million strong, working tirelessly every day. This vast force isn’t made up of soldiers, marines, or sailors, but of caregivers to…

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Clearing Up the Confusion: What Military Families Need to Know About Your Vision Healthcare Coverage

Hello, military families! We totally get how confusing healthcare decisions can be, especially when it comes to vision care. And things have only gotten murkier with inflation driving up costs.…

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Empowering the Unsung Heroes: The Role of Family and Friends in Veteran Mental Health Support

  The ripple effects of military service reverberate far beyond the battlefield, reaching into the homes and lives of those who love and care for our veterans and active service…

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Navigating Military Life with Connectivity & Communication: Elyce’s Story

Meet Elyce, a seasoned Navy spouse who navigates the ups and downs of military life alongside her dedicated active-duty husband. Over the span of two decades, they’ve encountered numerous deployments…

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Job Application Scams Targeting MilSpouses: Protect Yourself!

Hey there, military spouse, we’ve got something to share with you that might be quite concerning if you’re job hunting. According to a recent report from the Federal Trade Commision (FTC), cybercriminals are targeting you.
Why? Because of your unique circumstances: Frequent relocations. The need for remote work. And the desire to contribute to your family’s finances.

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Honoring 75 Years of Military Integration with Intergenerational Stories

Last month, untold stories played the starring role in Blue Star Families’ Freedom to Serve: Integrating the Armed Services event to honor the 75th anniversary of racial desegregation in the military. The event was hosted in partnership with Howard University and The Chamberlain Project and gathered a unique symposium featuring distinguished guests and history makers.

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The Neurological Impact of Trauma on Our Military Community

Our Veterans and service members shoulder a unique burden. The military service they render to our nation often exposes them to traumatic events that can indelibly mark their minds and lives. Recognizing the profound impacts of trauma on our military community forms a critical part of the Combat the Silence campaign led by Blue Star Families.

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