Blue Star Stories

Blue Star Welcome Week Helps Empower a #MilKid Blue Star Volunteer

Blue Star Welcome Week Helps Empower a #MilKid Blue Star Volunteer Belonging is a basic human need. And without a sense of belonging, we humans can quickly experience isolation and…

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A Focus on Belonging: Mental Health and Wellness DEPLOY Fellow Wants All #MilFams to Feel at Home

A Focus on Belonging: Mental Health and Wellness DEPLOY Fellow Wants All #MilFams to Feel at Home Meet Janessa. She’s a Navy spouse, toddler mom, and served as the Blue…

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Starting Off the New Year Right: Progress for Military Spouse Employment

It’s official! The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has approved the study of employer discrimination towards military spouses in more detail to provide recommendations that advance solutions. This action only…

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Speaking Up: Raising Awareness About Food Insecurity Affecting Military Families Today

Speaking Up: Raising Awareness About Food Insecurity Affecting Military Families Today It’s hard to imagine, but some military families worry about putting food on the table.  In addition to facing…

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Missed Moments: Blue Star Families and Sleep Number Aim to Provide Support Through the Hardest Times

Missed Moments: Blue Star Families and Sleep Number Aim to Provide Support Through the Hardest Times Imagine being separated from your spouse and children for months with just 24-hours notice…

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Nourishing Foreign-Born Military Spouses: Culturally-Inclusive Food Challenges

Nourishing Foreign-Born Military Spouses: Culturally-Inclusive Food Challenges The comfort of familiar foods is a connection to family and culture. Whether certain dishes are your favorites from childhood or the scent…

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Along for the Ride: Military Life is Hard; Blue Star Families Can Help

Along for the Ride: Military Life is Hard; Blue Star Families Can Help “The hardest part of being a military family is honestly having plans ruined,” said Felicia, a military…

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When Facing Time Apart, Blue Star Families is There to Bring Families Together

When Facing Time Apart, Blue Star Families is There to Bring Families Together Imagine being separated from your spouse for nearly two years because your job demanded it. Most couldn’t…

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Making the Most of Time Together

Making the Most of Time Together Deployments are hard on military families. For Dawn like so many military spouses she struggled to find ways to remain connected to her deployed…

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Blue Star Parks DEPLOY Fellow Welcomes All Military Families to See Themselves in New Roles and Places

Blue Star Parks DEPLOY Fellow Welcomes All Military Families to See Themselves in New Roles and Places Meet Nicole. She’s a Navy spouse, mom of two, and the Blue Star…

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