Blue Star Stories

A Focus on Military Children’s Mental Health: August’s Story

In the last few years, mental health within the military community has importantly been at the forefront of our conversations. The challenges of military life—the deployments, frequent moves, and overall…

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Father’s Day: An Invitation to Connect

It’s that time of year again where we take time to honor Fathers and all they do.  But what is the perfect gift for Dad?   The question has plagued…

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More Progress Needed to Create and Inclusive Community for those who Serve

It wasn’t that long ago that LGBTQ+ military families were explicitly banned from serving in the military, and eventually only allowed to serve while closeted. In the 1940s, your sexual…

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Balancing Act: Military Families Struggle to Juggle it All

Modern family structure commonly includes two working parents. Financial stability often requires both parents to work, but beyond that, employment outside of the home can bring mental fulfillment as well.…

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Professional Organizer and Military Spouse Shares her Tips for Tackling Any Move

Military life is difficult because it’s unpredictable. From frequent moves and long-term separation due to deployments and training, to long and demanding work schedules that aren’t family-friendly, it can be…

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Shining a Light on Female Service Members and Why it Matters

Female service members bring talent and diversity to the military. We need women in the military to maintain a strong, capable All-Volunteer Force. But did you know a staggering 48%…

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Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Cassie

Blue Star Community Changemaker: Meet Cassie Delivered by CSX Pride in Service Meet Cassie, a member of Blue Star Families’ Dayton Chapter and Advisory Board President. She’s an Air Force…

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Blue Star Summer Camp Hits Home for Military Families 

Moving is one of the most stressful events for the average person. But our military families move a lot, and often, without much notice — most moving every two to…

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Managing MilLife Stress with Spiritune

The reality is, being a military family can be hard. It’s often unpredictable and that uncertainty can end up causing a lot of stress and anxiety, especially for those families…

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Military Spouse Turns Career Challenges into Opportunities

Military Spouse Turns Career Challenges into Opportunities Did you know that 20% of military spouses are unemployed and, according to the 2020 Military Family Lifestyle Survey, 67% of employed military…

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