Blue Star Stories

Adjusting to Life as a Military Connected Caregiver: Finding a Community of Support

Adjusting to Life as a Military Connected Caregiver: Finding a Community of Support  There are 5.5 million military and veteran caregivers in the U.S. today. Two of every five veteran…

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Starbucks Raises Its Hand Year-Round to Support & Connect MilFams Through Their Sacrifices

Starbucks Raises Its Hand Year-Round to Support & Connect MilFams Through Their Sacrifices Separation is an inevitable part of military life. Between deployments, temporary duty assignments, and moves, military families…

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Facing New Battles: Becoming a Military Connected Caregiver

Facing New Battles: Becoming a Military Connected Caregiver Did you know that roughly 200,000 service members transition out of the military annually?(1) A military career is unique in that an…

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Meet Jenny: #BSFBeatCOVID19

Meet Jenny: #BSFBeatCOVID19 This past year has been filled with many tough, emotional questions that were left unanswered for months on end.  How long will this shutdown last?  Will my…

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Meet Jacob & His Family: #BSFBeatCOVID19

Meet Jacob & His Family: #BSFBeatCOVID19 Meet Jacob. He’s a 16-year-old military kid. Like so many, Jacob and his family have had a hard year adjusting to the changes brought…

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Paying It Forward During Military Appreciation Month

Paying It Forward During Military Appreciation Month Three Ways to Give Back to Military Families   By Kathy Roth-Douquet and Kevin Schmiegel  We don’t have to tell you that 2020…

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After 50 Years as a Military Caregiver, Carol Finds Support Through Blue Star Families

There are 5.5 million military and veteran caregivers in the U.S. today. These hidden heroes make incredible sacrifices in support of caring for a loved one—whether a parent, grandparent, child,…

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Military Connected Caregivers Learn to Focus on Self Care: Misty’s Story

Meet Misty. She’s an Army veteran and mom of two. In 2001, Misty was living in New York, just an hour from New York City, waiting for her Officer Candidate…

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One Choice MilFams Shouldn’t Have to Make

One Choice MilFams Shouldn’t Have to Make Military life comes with a unique set of challenges for all families—from deployments to frequent moves, time away for training, and the general…

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Starbucks Understands the Sacrifices MilFams Make & Raises Its Hand Year-Round to Help!

Did you know military families move three times more often than their civilian counterparts? Most move every two to three years. Restarting in new communities can often be extremely isolating,…

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