Blue Star Stories

National School Counseling Week: A School Counselor’s Perspective

Written by: Heather, School Counselor As a school staff member, a counselor in particular, welcoming a new semester at any school brings a flurry of activity – from reflecting on…

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Angela | Salesforce Technology DEPLOY Fellow

Meet Angela, a Veteran military spouse and mother to two boys. Her husband served for 30 years, and as any military family knows, change is a constant. Despite the nomadic…

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Cancer and Inclusion: Chicagoland DEPLOY Fellow’s Fight for Change

Meet Jerilyn Lim-Leonard, Blue Star Families’ 2022-2023 Chicagoland DEPLOY Fellow. She’s a military spouse, mother of four, and community volunteer. And if you meet her, you’ll find she’s full of…

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Jennifer | Recruiting Coordinator

Meet Jennifer. She’s a Navy Veteran and an Army spouse. Although she has had a solid career serving in the military, she’s struggled with finding and keeping a job as…

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3 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Military Couples on a Budget

For military couples, spending holidays together can be happenchance thanks to deployments and trainings. And if you are together, you want it to be special.  If you’re looking for ideas…

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Generation Shifts Lead to Generational Growth

Happy New Year! I hope 2023 is off to a fantastic start for you and that you were able to enjoy the holidays.   For me, I got to do one…

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David | Enterprise Account Executive

“The military community is a community used to dealing with difficult situations. They’re used to not giving up [and] going at a problem until it’s taken care of.” And that’s…

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Yves | Salesforce Consultant

Meet Yves. She’s an Army spouse who was making ends meet until she heard about a free program that helped change her family’s financial trajectory for the better. Despite having…

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Priscilla | Business Analyst

Meet Priscilla. She’s an Army spouse who faced her financial challenges head-on by proving that the unicorn job she desired – remote, flexible, and well-paying – exists and is now…

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An Unseen Issue: Navigating Life as a Foreign-Born Military Family

When Kenyan-born Lydiah Owiti arrived in the United States, she had 12 days to learn how to drive a car, find a grocery store, and discover American customs. After day…

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