Food insecurity is a complicated issue, and several factors give rise to its prevalence across all military- and Veteran-connected families - no matter their rank. Research is just now starting to catch up to what is already known:
The unique challenges that service members, past and present, and their families face - from spouse un- and underemployment, to child care costs, student loans, and out-of-pocket living expenses - contribute to the complexities that lead to the inaccessibility of nutritious foods.
That is why Blue Star Families is committed to making food insecurity a thing of the past by rallying around military and Veteran families, delivering military and civilian resources to those in need and empowering them to thrive.
Nourish The Service Articles
Starbucks and Blue Star Families Address Military Family Food Insecurity
Starbucks shines as a beacon of commitment to Blue Star Families’ Do Your Part initiative, made possible by the generosity of Craig Newmark and craig newmark philanthropies, addressing critical issues…
Read MoreThree Simple Ways for Military Families to Maintain a Balanced Diet During PCS Moves
PCS moves can be hectic and stressful, but with the proper preparation, military families can ensure they get a balanced and healthy diet during the transition. Military families can maintain…
Read MoreHow Military Spouses Make Nutritional Well-Being and Caregiving a Priority in Military Life
As we celebrate Military Spouse Appreciation Month, it is important to recognize the invaluable contributions of our military spouses. They play a critical role in ensuring the nutritional well-being and…
Read More3 Ways Proper Nutrition Helps Build Resilience in Military Children
For military children, proper nutrition is essential for building resilience. Military children often experience unique stressors, including frequent moves, family separation due to deployment, and new school and community adjustment.…
Read MoreBlue Star Families and Starbucks Join Forces to Combat Military Family Food Insecurity
Good nutrition is essential to military readiness. Blue Star Families and Starbucks are joining forces to help military families have access to the necessary resources to help them thrive. Through…
Read More3 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Military Couples on a Budget
For military couples, spending holidays together can be happenchance thanks to deployments and trainings. And if you are together, you want it to be special. If you’re looking for ideas…
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